From the In-Reach Committee Chairperson, Bonnie Sanzenbacher

As of January 31, 2025, my term of In-Reach Chairperson on Church Council will end.  My time served in this position for the past two years has been very fulfilling.  I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Committee members who served faithfully on the projects for our Homebound members:  Karen Bandy, Rose Baringer, Jean Pfleiderer, and Barb Wright for volunteering every time to help deliver gifts to our Homebound.  “Kudos” to the Prayer Chain gals who volunteered their time to pray for members and friends during all their health issues and/or with the passing of a loved one:  Camille Allen, Karen Bandy, Pam Boothe, Karin McKinney, Kitty Thompson, Rose Zavatsky, and myself.  We all know that there is power in prayer…and more is better!  We must leave it to God to answer our prayers.  Many of us are impatient thinking God doesn’t hear us and will not answer, but God always answers!  May God’s blessings guide you, surround you, and give you peace now and always.