Evangelism: Opportunities to lead, plan, teach, and train. Activities include:
- Shepherding Program: The congregation has been organized by neighborhood flocks to help serve and account for one another.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Friendship bread ministry for visitors
Fellowship: Opportunities to plan, coordinate, or help prepare for receptions, potluck dinners, and other fellowship events.
- Fellowship reception after worship once a month
- Funeral luncheons as requested
Finance: Opportunities to lead or assist in managing the financial assets and routine tasks of Living Lord
- Stewardship teaching
- Offering tellers/counters
- Financial Secretary
- Treasurer
In-Reach: Opportunities to serve the members of Living Lord.
- Cards and a visiting ministry for those in need: Hospital, grieving, homebound
- Meal ministry
Outreach: Outreach is a group of volunteers who joyfully and passionately serve others in our neighborhood. The following are examples of their activities:
- Activities for the residents at Shepherd of the Valley retirement home: BINGO, Christmas and other holiday parties, Summertime Cook-out
- Food baskets for those who need help.
- Host a community meal at Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Parish Education: Opportunities to teach, lead, and learn.
- Four different Sunday school classes: Pre-school to 2nd grade, 3rd to 6th grade, 7th to 12th grade, and an adult forum.
- Vacation Bible School in the Summer: pre-school to 6th grade.
- Catechism is taught in a cooperative with other Lutheran Churches in Trumbull County
- Building community within our county-wide 7th and 8th graders
- Opportunities for high school students to be junior leaders and adults to be leaders for small group teaching.
Property: Opportunities to lead, plan, and work.
Worship: Opportunities for musicians, singers, readers, lay preachers, assisting worship ministers, acolytes, ushers, altar care/communion preparation.
Youth & Family: Opportunities for social and leadership opportunities.
- We attended the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in 2012, Detroit in 2015, and Houston in 2018
- Over 40 youth from our Trumbull Area Lutheran Coalition go in June for a one week Servant Week either to J.O.S.H.U.A. House or to Camp Frederick