By the time that you are reading this, our National Day of Thanksgiving will be over, and with it, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In fact, it should be just a few days until Christmas Day! And just a short time after that it will be New Year’s Day!
Many of us can recall the pitch slogan of businesses (especially fitness centers and diet clubs) “A new year, a new you”, as they promised miraculous transformations in your physique. Well, I have to tell you as I look to the upcoming new year, I don’t want a new you. No, although I am still learning names and faces, I love the you that you are right now! That’s right, YOU!
In the short time that I have been with you, I have learned that you, yes you, are miraculous just the way you are. This is what I have learned about you so far. You are:
- Faithful – Not only are you faithful to your God, but you are also faithful to your church and one another. You just celebrated 60 years as a church! You constantly act out of caring for one another, especially when one is in need.
- Courageous – You decided as a church that you were not being served as you thought you should be by the ELCA, so you made the brave decision to leave and move forward on your own path. It was not an easy decision, but you made it and are moving forward as a family of faith.
- Giving – You give to and support your church and each other. When something needs to be done, you do it! You give to people you don’t even know when you find out that there is a need.
- Adventurous – You took a chance and signed up a fat old fellow with a goatee to be your pastor! Although we had several “practice” runs together, you reached out in faith and hired me. I will endeavor not to let you down, nor break the trust you have bestowed me with. (Don’t panic…my contact is only for a year! Lol)
- Passionate – You freely express your faith. You do so with your words and your deeds. I have witnessed such great acts of faith and humanity in what you do for this church, each other, and those in our community.
- Joyful – It has been said that “Laughter is the best medicine”. If that’s true, there should never be anyone in our church that isn’t healed. Together you enjoy God’s plan and blessings. You deal with serious issues by poking fun at yourselves and others to relax and comfort one another, and I applaud you for it!
So, you see, I don’t want a new you. I want the same loving, giving, faithful, adventurous, passionate, joyful YOU! But I do wish you a blessed New Year.
Your servant leader,
Pastor Gerry