Hi everyone! M.E.F. is back! It is that time of year again. I apologize for the delay. I am pleased to announce that MEF Award Sunday, normally occurring in October, will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2024. This is when our recipient can be with us. I am pleased to announce that this year’s recipient is the Warren Family Mission. For more information on them, you can check out their website at www.warrenfamilymission.org. You can also check out their booth that will be set up on MEF Sunday. We will be presenting them with a check for $2,000.00. The presentation will take place at the beginning of our worship service. There will be time to meet and greet before the service at 9:00 am. Also, there will be time to meet and greet following the service with a time of fellowship. I ask everyone to come and help us congratulate this year’s recipient. I am also pleased to announce something very special. It was brought up at our last MEF meeting, “Can we help with the hurricane relief efforts down in North Carolina?” With some discussion, we unanimously decided that answer will be “Yes!”. I am pleased to announce that we will also be awarding a second recipient this year. We will be donating $2,000.00 to the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Efforts for victims of Hurricanes Helen and Milton. For more information on this, and if you would like to donate yourself, you can go to their website at www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/disaster-relief/hurricane-relief/hurricane-helene.html. Don’t worry if you don’t want to type out the long website URL’s–you don’t have to! Check out the MEF booth set up in the narthex. There you will find our first ever interactive display. Have your phones ready. All you will have to do is just scan the QR codes when they appear on the screen. They will take you straight to the websites listed above. There will also be a QR code for MEF Sunday. Once you scan it, it will save the date for MEF Sunday straight to your calendar. So no excuses for forgetting the date! Among them, there will be a few other QR codes that come with other surprises. So come and check out our interactive display. Don’t worry, I will be there to help those who aren’t very tech savvy. I look forward to seeing you all there. Come and check out our booths, our interactive display, and help us keep our mission going by supporting the Mission Endowment Fund of Living Lord Lutheran Church.