December already? Time sure flies! December is an exciting month for church! December 1, 2024, marks the beginning of the Advent season. We will busily prepare to celebrate the birth of our dear lord Jesus! The world around us seems to be getting busier too during this season. Many folks will be hustling and bustling to get the perfect gift for their loved ones, buying groceries to use in the preparation of a Christmas feast, and some will be traveling from afar to join family and friends to share memories and make new ones. Yes, things seem to change around Christmas. Often it seems that there may just be a little more love in the air! How wonderful it is to encounter people smiling and being more courteous than usual against the backdrop of Christmas music playing. Unfortunately, not all of us get to experience the joy of the season in the same manner as most of us. There are those that are serving our country and cannot come home to be with loved ones. There are those who have lost dear family members and friends that will be missing some of the most important people in their lives. There are those that are financially challenged to purchase food, shelter, and other necessities, let alone gifts for others. We, as Christians, are called to minister to those in need. We can do so through prayer, giving of our time and resources, and by just being present with others who might otherwise have nobody to share such a joyous time with. If we think about what a gift this season is to us, we certainly should be willing to share our joy with others. So, my Christmas challenge to you all is this: find someone that you can share the joy of the Advent/Christmas season with that is not part of your normal circle. Together, we just might be the life-giving gift this world needs. On behalf of my wife, Marian, and our family, I wish you all a joyous Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year!